Human healthy food card

INTRODUCTION Human healthy food card

Human healthy food card

Has many things to eat, meaning there are many things in this world to eat, but he eats only what he likes. And let us talk that a person here should eat that which is good for his health. Only that which does not make a person sick can be eaten. Whatever you eat will definitely affect your health. That’s why doctors also say that whatever you eat, eat after considering your health. We will give you very good advice about this which is good for you. What you say will affect not only your health but also your life.

What food should humans eat?

First of all, people should eat only that food which has a good effect on their health. When you eat food, it proves to be good or bad for yours you should eat food as per your convenience. There is so much to eat, so much to eat in this world. But eat it, it’s good. Before eating food, a humans should think about what he is eating or what he should eat.
A human should eat healthy food.

healthy food:

healthy food:

There is many type of healthy food but we can mention some of healthy food that human should eat.


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  • in vegetable there is many healthy vegetables but we can some mention of them.carrot,white cabbage, red, cabbage,corn,pea, broccoli, eggplant,turnip,fennel, sweet potato, pumpkin, bell pepper, lettuce, spring onion ,beetroot, zucchini, artichoke etc.
    there are all very healthy food(vegetables)and human should eat vegetables cause it’s good for health.human must eat vegetables cause it’s not harmful and it was so tasty and yummy to eat. Food like the are very healthy to eat. Fruits:(food)
    in fruits there is many fruits to mention but we can mention some of fruits that is healthy for, pineapple,banana,orange, gray fruit, dragon fruit, custard apple,mango,papaya,guava,chikoo,grapes,lemon,grape fruit,star fruit, jack fruit, strawberry, avocado,longan,kiwi, muskmelon, watermelon, water apple etc. …..These are the foods that humans should include in their lives. Whenever you go out, you will find these fruits and foods, eat them outside. Up you shit Take care of your health because no one can recognize you better than yourself.

sea food:(food)

sea food

Seafood is such a food which is very tasty. And humans should eat because it is very healthy. human bones remain strong
prawn,fish, crawfish, shrimp, crayfish,lobster,rock lobster, oyster,tyle fish etc they are all good for health.stay healthy stay careful and eat healthy.

Human should eat healthy food Which can increase there health healthy not fat if human eat unhealthy food that must should be in danger. Please eat healthy food and keep your health good these food are good to eat and you might be eat testier food like fruits. Fruits are very delicious and have calcium Wich can help your body to fresh.human eat fruits to live fresh and help there body to live longer and healthy healthy.all food are healthy in limited edition. If you and unlimited food they keep body unhealthy. Most healthy food is meat.meat can increase your body healthy.



In meat there is many types of animals that give us meat are good to health but some are we eat and testier.cow,goat,camel,fish etc there meet is very strong and and healthy for humans.

For Humans Beings Before starting there daily routine,activity, they must try to eat healthy food. Healthy Food is essential and healthy for our body good besides of water. Eating healthy food gives you the requirements of nutrients and proteins for your body and you need to maintain a healthy food lifestyle. Your daily food should have carbohydrates or proteins or water or vitamins or fat and minerals for your body. To keep ourselves fit and fine. that’s why we need A healthy food. eat healthy food.

uhmm When we talk about our health, HEALTHY FOOD plays a best role in your life for your health. It’s a lot to helps preserve our health, or dehydration for stomach and some nutrients renew the health of various organs Wich is good. Besides, healthy food is always delicious,tasty, good and healthiest. Kids and young age ,teens, nowadays, should eat healthy food more than ever. We must say to kids to for eat healthy food so in future our new generations become healthy and fit.

We should talk about more often in the harmful and bad effects of unhealthy and junk food and the positive and good impacts of healthy food. In that way, we can teach our children about eating healthy foods from an young age.

we should keep our internal organs healthy, we should make a good habit of eating healthy food. Unhealthy and junk food welcomes life-diseases like heart attack, high and low blood pressure, increased or decreased glucose level low, etcetera. In today’s world with so many changes around the world in terms of climate, pollution, waist of time and etc.. eating healthy food should be on our personality list.

The benefits of eating healthy food is
We can get a solid and fit body by eating healthy and nutritious, proteins food.
eating Healthy food also gives you the best body of physical strength good length and fit body. and that way, we all can go about their duties comfortably and work hard to get success.

Eating healthy food gives you the good health, saving you from wasting your time, money and recoveries of seeking medical assistance and problems of there solutions.
By eating nutritious food, we can protect our bodies from getting serious diseases like teeth mouth diabetes, hypertension of brain, elevated cholesterol in the body, and keep your body temperature warm in cold weather and cold in warm weather.

Heathy food helps maintain our weight like healthy food didn’t do our body fat, and unhealthy food do our body fat. that’s why we don’t need to be eat unhealthy food.
otherwise healthy nutrition’s(healthy food) gives us a fit and fine, cool body and smooth and glowing skin that’s what we need.
We never feel lazy when we wakeup early of eating light, fresh and solid nourishment; instead of we feel dynamic and energetic, fresh fresh.
Eating healthy food might be helps build to body and its reach to immunity levels, encasing the living standards and high one gets to enjoy our life’s.

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